Customer Spotlight: elbe’s edibles
elbe’s edibles is one of the last few mom-and-pop brands operating in Oregon. Made from locally sourced, premium cannabis and other ingredients, elbe’s developed a reputation for culinary and cannabis excellence. Founded by Laura (elbe) Brannan and Hovering Laplante, the company operates on core principles centered on treating people well and making the best edibles in the state.

“While there’s a place in the market for low-cost items, we don’t think that that’s really doing a service to the industry or to the consumers. We’re strictly focused on being the best.”
Getting started
elbe’s edibles began in 2010, but the culinary journey began in the late 90s when the company’s namesake made edibles for annual Burning Man festivals. During one festival, she’d meet her life and business partner, Hovering Laplante, bringing together two entrepreneurial-minded, long-time cannabis activists and patients.
The two started doing business together, first in photography. They grew weed on the side to supplement their income. Fifteen years ago, a friend’s family member needed edibles while undergoing cancer treatment. elbe and Hov were happy to help.
The edibles’ positive effect inspired the couple to reach out to other patients, and they soon began handing out edibles at potlucks. Three weeks later, the couple decided that edibles were their life’s work and never looked back. The dynamic duo started making edibles, with elbe cooking and Hov cultivating. By 2010, the team operated out of their kitchen, where they would continue to work for five years. In 2015, the co-founders were granted an Oregon state cannabis business license.
While growing a business, elbe and Hovering also played an active role in establishing Oregon’s legal cannabis laws, which were enacted in 2014.
Where Are They Now
elbe’s has been a licensed Oregon venture for the past 13 years, offering patients delicious infused treats from locally sourced ingredients and cannabis. Today, the company includes eight employees, with elbe, Hovering, and a general manager working full-time. Five additional part-time employees handle delivery, packaging, decorating, and other tasks needed to get the brand’s 21 SKUs of fresh edibles to over 200 active retail partners across the state. In addition to the people powering the brand, elbe said LeafLink helps play a role in generating organic sales, consolidating orders, collecting data, and tracking deliveries.
“LeafLink has been invaluable in giving us hard data to see where our company is at and what products are selling the best.”
Keeping customers happy with quality edibles
elbe’s edibles emphasizes high quality across the board. Their meticulous attention to detail is not only evident in their edibles but also in their operations. Specializing in fresh baked goods made from fresh ingredients means working with a limited shelf life and specific standards. Items are shipped using cold transportation, meaning each delivery must be made to perfection and packed to an equally high metric. elbe’s not only endeavors to ensure truck refrigerators are adequately cooled, but the company also works with each retailer to guarantee each edible is stored and handled correctly once in store.
Today, elbe’s has a dynamic relationship with their retail partners across Oregon. The company spent years educating partners about proper storage to reach that point. While informing clients about the brand, elbe also built relationships with partners through consistent products and reliable delivery. Setting the groundwork early and delivering from there on, the company established itself as one focused on producing long-term relationships, mutual brand success, and numerous satisfied customers.
“The big thing for us is that we’re looking to have absolutely the best experience for the consumer,” said elbe, adding, “That’s top-down, from how the product looks, tastes, smells, medicates you– All that comes around to the ingredients elbe’s uses.”
What’s Next for elbe’s edibles?
After nearly two decades of edible production, elbe’s edibles isn’t slowing down. Their next steps remain close to their chest, but elbe and Hovering revealed that at least two plans are in motion for 2024. In addition to those plans, the co-founders continue their everyday work in the kitchen, the farm, and beyond–including the grocery store. elbe and Hov continue monitoring consumer and industry trends, from flavors to packaging. By staying on top of local buyer tendencies, elbe’s edibles stays connected to their consumers while providing them with familiar, popular tastes and products.
elbe’s edibles has been a LeafLink customer since June 2023. If you’re in Oregon and haven’t tried what they offer yet, pick up some on the LeafLink Marketplace to discover what premium edibles are all about.