LeafLink Insider: Q4 2024
Welcome to the quarterly edition of LeafLink Insider for Q4 2024. Inside you’ll find everything you need to know about the product updates, features, and fixes that we made to LeafLink in Q4 2024.
- UPDATE! Find recently purchased products faster
- NEW! Way to find brands you know and love
- NEW! Way to find top products
- NEW! Simplify category management with fresh Inventory Insights
- NEW! Recommended action on Inventory Insights – Promote!
- NEW! Recommended action on Inventory Insights – Replace!
- NEW! Enhanced Inventory Data
- NEW! Easily give teammates access to Inventory Insights
- NEW! Faster way to share feedback about Inventory Insights with our team
- NEW! Badges on brand listings
- NEW! User permissions
- UPDATE! Backend adjustments enabled faster page loads
- NEW! Automatically map Metrc packages
- UPDATE! Backend adjustments makes the Inventory page load 95% faster now
- NEW! Order cancellation confirmation
- UPDATE! Order labels are now more clear in the UI
- NEW! Product lines have a new look
- NEW! User settings
Plus, bug fixes for everyone. Want to dive into the deets for these LeafLink feature updates? Read on…
For Buyers
UPDATE! Find recently purchased products faster
We added a new carousel to your dashboard and the shop brands pages. It shows the brands and vendors you’ve purchased products from in the past 60 days. This makes it easier to re-order products from your favorite vendors. Tap on their brand name to be taken to their menu.
NEW! Way to find brands you know and love
Located on the dashboard and shop by brand page. Find your “previously purchased brands” in a new carousel. Tap on their brand name to be taken to their menu.
NEW! Way to find top products
Located on the shop by product page. Easily locate products you regularly purchase in the “top selling products” carousel at the top of the page.
NEW! Simplify category management with fresh Inventory Insights
Now available for retailers nationwide! Visit your dashboard to activate this new feature.
NEW! Recommended action on Inventory Insights – Promote!
It’s now available for our Inventory Insights customers on the Product Leaderboard. It identifies products that have healthy margins, but could use a velocity boost to remain competitive. When you see this recommended action, you know this product is a good candidate for a promotion.
NEW! Recommended action on Inventory Insights – Replace!
Make SKU rationalization decisions faster with Inventory Insights – and the new Replace action.
If a product is in your bottom 20% for two consecutive months, and not generating enough revenue to justify keeping it on the shelf, we’ll recommend you replace it. Find the recommended action on the product in question on your Inventory Insights report. Explore how Inventory Insights can help you carry the best mix of products for local.
NEW! Enhanced Inventory Data
We added a Days of Inventory quantity column to the Product Leaderboard for our Inventory Insights customers, giving retailers real-time data for smarter buying decisions.
NEW! Easily give teammates access to Inventory Insights
Retailers can now update their user permissions to include access to this new report.
NEW! Faster way to share feedback about Inventory Insights with our team
There’s a new feedback link on the feature itself. You can submit feature enhancement requests, report an issue, or just share thoughts about your experiences with the feature. We read each and every one 🤓
NEW! Badges on brand listings
See which sellers in your market(s) are compliant with our “compliant” badge. These sellers are licensed to do business, and can’t wait to hear from you. Find sellers who you can pay on sell through with the new payment method filter. And find businesses you want to support with our new Social Identity badges. Learn about all our advanced search filters in this user guide.
NEW! User permissions
Control which teammates can access compliance features (now available in Oregon) and Inventory Insights features (now available nationwide). Learn how to update user permissions in this user guide.
UPDATE! Backend adjustments enabled faster page loads
Our shopping experiences load 60% faster than they did at the start of the year.
For Sellers
NEW! Automatically map Metrc packages
Customers using Payment on Sell-Through (PoST) functionality can now fulfill orders even faster. We’ve added a feature that allows LeafLink to automatically map the corresponding Metrc packages for each line item in the order, eliminating the need to manually select them.
As long as you’ve already mapped your products to packages in Metrc, those packages will auto-populate to the corresponding products in the order, saving you time and manual work.
UPDATE! Backend adjustments makes the Inventory page load 95% faster now
Clocking in at about a second, which will make it easier for all sellers to list products for sale and keep track of inventory quantities in LeafLink.
NEW! Order cancellation confirmation
When you update an order’s status to cancelled, a new popup window will ask you if you are sure. You’ll need to confirm you wanted to cancel the order. This will save sellers time on re-entering orders they accidentally cancelled.
UPDATE! Order labels are now more clear in the UI
Now it’s easier to know if it was your seller or your buyer who placed the purchase order.
NEW! Product lines have a new look
New year, fresh menu! Make your menu easier to shop with product lines. The feature has a new look that is now available nationwide. Learn how to tidy up your menu in this user guide.
NEW! User settings
Control which teammates can access compliance features. Now available in Oregon. Learn how to update user permissions in this user guide.
Plus, bugs fixed for everyone:
- Fixed issue where duplicate payment entries were displayed on some order summaries.
- Fixed issue on Seller’s Active Products to filter correctly by License Type.
- Fixed issue where some customers were unable to clone a product.
- Fixed issue where some customers were unable to complete the Inventory Insights feature enrollment flow with a failed Dutchie API key validation.
- Fixed a bug for a buyer that was preventing them from being able to open and edit large orders.
- Corrected an issue for our beta inventory insights customers that was preventing tool tips from displaying on their reports.
- Resolved a bug where the PAR value was displaying as NULL rather than the correct quantity on the beta inventory insights experience.
- Fixed a bug that was causing some PDF invoices in Michigan to incorrectly round the quantity up. The PDF invoices now calculate and display the exact quantity.
- Corrected an issue for distributors that was affecting products with varieties that are licensed for recreational sales. The cloned products now correctly display the recreational license chip on the active product listing.
- Corrected an issue with draft orders that were not saving the correct quantity when the inventory was set to inherit quantities from a product with varieties. The draft orders no longer throw error messages.
- Fixed a bug where some invoices were calculating excise taxes on an invoice total after credits were applied. We updated our system to calculate those taxes on the invoice total before credits were applied, so it’s in compliance with the laws in all states.
- Fixed a bug for some users who were not able to log in to their accounts due to an authentication issue.
Interested in seeing previous LeafLink Insider blogs? See feature updates from last quarter here.